Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Roses of end of July

The garden has been gifting me with a sudden outburst of roses again.  I have been mending the soil, fertilizing, pruning, spraying them with Neem Oil and making sure they get a proper amount of water, and I’m sure I’m seeing an improvement… at least on the Chicago Peace and the floribundas Unicorn roses in the epicenter of the garden.

After I freed her up of surrounding perennials that were suffocating her, the Gemini rose is finally putting on buds that have started to open in a lovely blend of pinks with darker edges, and the French lace and Paradise rose (the one I stole from the little white cottage) have been also improving.  I can’t stop admiring them and begging for a stronger profusion. 

I can read my list of roses; that one I kept since we originally bought this house back in 2005 over and over again, and never get tired... never cease to admire my vision back them…. What a collection I had!

The majority of those roses are now gone, and most of the ones left are only giving a meager number of flowers.  I don’t know what else I can do to change or improve this; if it isn’t to start from the beginning again… but for now, I am happy with what I have, and with what the garden has to offer me…

 Including the Butterfly bushes!

On the other side of the garden towards the entrance path, the Love roses are doing splendidly. This Love grandiflora rose bush was a Mother’s Day gift to me from the Fisherman in 2008.  It is a beautiful red blend with a white reverse and a strong fragrance. 

How fortunate I feel to have been able to reclaim this old garden back and call it ‘mine’ again.  How splendid and wonderful this world of roses is to me!

I love how the window to our master room looks from the outside with the fairy lights inside shining through lace at dusk...

...and at any light of day! looks cute from inside too!

I hope you are having a beautiful summer... enjoy every minute of it, because sooner than soon it will be gone. The world will be covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon and before you know it, autumn will be here!


  1. Love all the beautiful roses. I also love the lace curtains, one of my all time favorite things. The lights on the tiny tree is adorable. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Thank you Susie! The new lace curtain was a recent thrift store find... only $1.99. Love it so much!

      Thanks for stopping by!


  2. Your roses are absolutely beautiful! You have every right to be proud of them. I love roses but have never been able to grow them.

    1. I know, they are so hard to please... still, a girl must have some roses! ;)


  3. Oh Cielo! Your rose garden is just lovely! What a wonderful reward for all your hard work this past year! I could almost smell the fragrance of your yard as I looked through your pictures! I do agree that sometimes it is just best to pull the old bushes out and plant new. I removed three bushes yesterday. I’ll be at the nursery tomorrow, planning and dreaming!

    1. Wow... three bushes! I think about doing this in my garden almost every day, but it's been so extremely hot around here that I can only look at those flowerless Dr. Huey bushes and say uheh! Next time! ;)

      Enjoy your roses!


  4. Oh I do love that lace curtain.
    I never shop at the Thrift Store. Maybe I should start?

    1. Judy... you should... you should! You'll love it and then you'll be addicted to it! ;)


  5. I am so sorry that your gardens were let go like that. I remember from the past how much you loved your roses and your gardens. It is just sad to think that someone would not take care of them.
    I hope you have a blessed, wonderful weekend. xo Diana

    1. Guess some people just don't care about the beauty of gardening... especially if the garden is not theirs... you have to feel the love I guess... ;)


  6. Love your post and your lovely rose photos. My roses have done well for the past 5 years........then this year.....they are just about dead. I have fed them, worked the soil around them.......but they are very weak and tired looking. We have had temps up to 108 but this happens every summer and they have enough water. Like you, I will probably have to start with new ones next year. And you are right........soon autumn will be here!

    1. One just have to wonder what it is... I am doing the same, but just like your roses, mines are not performing as they should after so much care... could it be the heat? I guess our world is too old and tired! ;)

