Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The old gypsies set out again this past weekend to explore the world.  Their souls yearned for the luxury of the mountains and the pleasantness of rivers, but there was no escape from the heat; no solace from the sun whatsoever…

Up, up into those glorious mountains they went; to that beautiful place, parapet by a placid lake… but when they got there, nothing felt right… the heat was unbearable and the lake seem made out of fire and glass.

The place was less crowded than usual, and there wasn’t a single soul around.  The rows of glorious lilac trees barricading the campsite were devoid of blooms this time and the shady places were scarce and unprotected from the intense glare.  The lake, too, was unusually quiet and undisturbed by boats or swimmers… 

The intense sun of summer had charred grasses and withered low bushes; birds were hardly seen either and all around you, you could feel the air, dried and unhappy, exhaling into your face...

The old gypsies ate their lunch in silence, feeling heavy and groggy. Not a single soul was seen anywhere, as if the place was devoid of people, and it felt deserted and like a place of the dead. They went to hide inside their gypsy trailer, thankful that they could count on electricity to turn on the air-conditioning and saved from dying of a heat stroke… 

Evening brought the magic back to the land and the last sun spread out a magical cloak upon the waters, filling it with diminutive sparkling stars that moved and shined and dance in sheer glee… the earth filled with a new freshness and mellower temperatures, breathed magic upon the land and upon the heart of the old gypsies. How beautiful, how very beautiful everything looked and felt then…

The doors of the gypsy trailer were flung open and the gypsy girl swept up the floors and cleaned up the place, while her Fisherman went down to the lake to talk to his fishes… 

This is why the camp, this is why they go out heat or cold… to find themselves in finding Nature, and to be one in soul, with this old world, and with each other…


  1. What a beautiful trip to go on. It looks so relaxing.

  2. Hi Cielo, I haven't read you for a long time. I'm Sandra, I used to follow you with another account and maybe you don't remember me.
    I love your photos, your stories, your thoughts.
    I'm back to stay, I didn't realize how much I like this house!
    Love from Spain.
