Sunday, April 1, 2018

New carpet and a gardener's diary

March 27—Today, our living room carpet was finally installed!  

It arrived sooner than we’d expected, and this time I am in total admiration!  I love it so much!  

The transformation was instantly, and I was so accurate in believing that the floors play such a huge part when it comes to selecting carpet colors!  

A cleaner design, harmony with the surrounding, and I love the lines/streaks

The room is back to a neutral, gentler atmosphere.  Softer colors and a contemporary design have make such a great impact in the room!  I totally love it this time! 

March 27I started working on the front gardens this afternoon—how I loathed it.  Despair seizes me when I reflect upon my ideas of how and what I want to see in the gardens and its realization. I am feeling unpleasantly exhausted lately, and this part of the ‘abandoned’ garden is, I do believe, the worst of all, and it must be laughing at my weakness, for it was forcing me to pull and bend and pull more than this old body can stand.  I cannot understand any one preferring weeds to the purple coneflowers I had growing in that space before we left; those rough-hairy, herbaceous perennials native to moist prairies, meadows and open woods.  They are all gone now to a most ferocious of grasses that had taken over that space, and it had to be pulled out by hand and the sharp tips of pick and shovel.  I’m not even close to finishing my job there, and I’ve already filled several trash bins to the brim.  Tomorrow will be another day.

March 28—I worked on the front gardens again today, and the wind was worse than it had ever been.  My throat hurts my fingers are numbed.  But at least I was able to accomplish some of what I set out to do.  One or two small old bushes were removed, and the rose bush that had turned wild was cut to the ground; me not being able to remove it in its entirety.  Yes, another flowerbed has been cleaned up and it is now ready for mulch.

March 29—the end of another cold, unsympathetic month.  If it were not for the garden, leafless and flowerless as it is, March would had been another terrible month, but in the garden, there is always a sigh of relief, a place to dream, and hope, and a more profound peace.  Nobody raking or mowing the lawn or sweeping or fidgeting; although I’d have to say thought, I would much rather prefer the sounds of only the little birds themselves and the whispering of winds than all the awful barks of neighboring dogs that’s going on everywhere.  For it seems to me that more and more people these days are preferring animals to humans, and families are not happy enough with owning just one dog, but they must have two, and sometimes even three, and thus they are everywhere; the constant yapping and barking coming from all directions ending whatever little peace; plus the agony of working outside while having to compete with the insistence of the animal on the other side of the fence for your sacred space.  I’ve been much afflicted by this lately and my dislikes of them are better left unrecorded.

March 30There’s not a single day or hour of my days that I don’t think of my dear mother and whisper her name.  Tears fill my eyes and heart for her all the time; for all the memories kept in my soul and all the love, a love like no other love, for I will never be loved again that way ever again… There’s a particular song on one of my favorite CDs that I play every day.  And it takes me back to one of my first memories of mom—rocking me to sleep.  I remember her singing to me.  A song, a love song; not particularly a children song, but a love song between a man and a woman type of a love song, and although I cannot remember the exact words, or what they meant, my brain has kept the notion of it intact; and I can still remember my child thoughts of it, along with my own interpretation of the song—a sad song.  But its melody is still hunting my memories. I so miss her. 

PS:  New, forgotten old gypsy stories are now available for reading in our GYPSY CARAVAN BLOG, in case you want to hop there and read them!


  1. The carpet is perfect! I You miss your Mom the way I miss my Dad. It is a constant ache in my heart.

  2. Your family room turned out great! So classic. Sweet words about your mom. Mine has been gone since 2010. It has become a little easier, but there are still times I miss her so and still cry. I guess we will always miss them as they were so special to us. As for the neighbors dogs, I TOTALLY understand. We have a house with four pugs right behind us and they bark a lot. It is very disturbing to the tranquility we seek when we are trying to enjoy our backyard. I have also noticed how many couples seem to only be raising dogs, not babies! I see it as very sad. I know raising children is not easy, but I wouldn't trade mine and my grandchildren for all the "childless-life ways" in the world. They were and are worth every moment invested in their rearing. I hope you find more and more peace in your return to the House in the Roses as you begin to settle in and bring back your lovely garden. XoXo

  3. Preciosa tu alfombra se ve muy bonita tu sala estoy deseando ver tu jardin lleno de flores cuando esto suceda te sentiras mejor en cuanto a los perros a mi me molesta muchisimo sus ladridos me ponen muy merviosa. Me parece increible que la gente se dedique a los perros y que no cuiden a sus mayores se estan perdiendo todos los valores besos

  4. Dear Cielo, Your relationship with your mum was surely wonderful... I broke with my mother because she is such a hard person (never accept me), and now I have no contact since two years. I´m a mother myself and I love my 18year old son without any conditions and I really tried more than 14 years to rescue the connection to my mother, but if you realise that somebody harms you its better to finish the contact.but I´m not sad, because two months after I broke with her a man came into my life and now we are married - so one door closed and another opened. Although your mother is dead now, you are very rich, because you HAD that very precious connection with your mother.
