Monday, August 27, 2018


Lately, while on my daily morning jogs around our neighborhood, I have noticed that some of the trees have already starting to lose their jewels; a magical swirl of leaves dancing on the floors in a Russian roulette with the winds, and I have noticed that neighborhood cats warming up under the marvelous morning sun are cozying up in shaggier furs and that the geese have started their magical journey south, to warmer climates.  I love to hear their honking songs far away on the horizon when I’m running, only to see them pass high up above my head sooner than I had predicted, or thought they would.  So swift they are and so meticulous in their ways. Like soldiers of some armies of the sky, always so punctilious and precise.

The weather is changing too, with temperatures 20 degrees cooler than on those hot summer days of just a few weeks ago.  I am already embracing cozy moments inside and hot drinks...


The garden is already mellowing down too. Slowly, decay sets in.  Last Sunday, I planted two Black eye Susan plants around the big fountain, so rich in color, so evocative of summer and the turn to fall at the same time.  This time in the season is always a poignant moment of the year to me.  The end of summer… and suddenly, I want summer to stay a while and I feel the slight shiver of apprehension the fall brings with it in our northwestern climate.

The lovely giants of the pond—the Elephant Ears are doing as splendidly as expected around here. I planted those bulbs this spring, and the plants have only grown as tall as they shall be for this zone; never to reach the height they used to in my southern gardens.  For summers here are short and they won’t stand our temperatures past the beginning of September.  So sad to see them gone so soon.

Is Nature also changing in your parts of the world too?


  1. Your photos and words are so lovely, Cielo. Nature is changing the same way here in northern IL. I actually find it kind of sad. I love summer and all the lush beauty and flowers.

  2. Oh yes, there are changes. But one doesn't even have to see leaves changing, or gardens winding down... There is a change in the air! A different feeling... When The Wheel Of The Year begins to change.

    It's almost a gentle prodding, to make us pay attention. To inspire us to do the necessary closing down of summer things. And to inspire us to do necessary preparation for Autumn and for Winter.

    Nature doesn't sound a loud gong!!!! ,-) She sounds a gentle chiming... And if we pay attention, all the time, we hear it. And thus, we can slowly ease into the next season, without stress or shock. :-)

    Happy easing into Autumn hugs...

  3. Your subject line of "Changes".... Makes me think of other changes, which must be going on, in your life..... That of life changes, due to the Fisherman's health emergency.

    Have no idea if you want to share any of these, or not. But if you did, I would appreciate it. Most bloggers, unless they are just *dewy-faced 19*, face the changes, which advancing life, can bring. Those who are wise, deal with these, sort of ahead of time. But then, how many of us, have this foresight?

    Many are caught short, by an unexpected happening. Not necessarily unexpected. But.... Not really thought of....

    And then, everything changes. Each person's 'everything,' is different. But each person's journey, has good points to be given.

    Just saying... If you want to.... Maybe ponder this... Find your own decision.... Could even be a separate place, as you already have separate places, on your blog.

  4. I am enjoying the cooler temps, after so many days in or near the 90's with 79% humidity. In Michigan, surrounded by our cool, fresh water Great Lakes, do not expect to have such hot summers. A hot week in July is expected by not weeks and month in a row. Changes--climate changes I suppose they would call it.

  5. Hola Cielo hace días que no escribo nada pero que sepas que memencanta tu blog aquí en España el tiempo tambien esta revuelto junio y julio lo hemos tenido muy frio este mes de agosto esta axfisiante yo estoy deseando que llegue el otoño no hay nada que me guste más que el salir a correr y ver los preciosos colores de los árboles desde España tetmandote un beso
