Monday, January 21, 2019

My own Super Wolf Blood Moon

I brought my “Frida and the Monkeys” pillow downstairs and placed it here in my “green space” where most of my plants reside.  It looks perfect here along the black and white geometric designs of my décor and the dark green of the plants, making the space look more like a real garden with that wild and jungle feel to it that I so love.

This space makes me so happy during our long winter days!

 And then, this Sunday, the Fisherman surprised me with this… 

My own Super Wolf Blood Moon, so I can now see it every night, and day too!

This is actually a Himalayan Salt Lamp, which not only adds organic charm to my already macrobiotic space, but also it is supposed to provide ample health benefits, such as allergy relief, improvement of sleep quality and reduction of anxiety. 

When switched on (and I always keep mine on), it's supposed to attract airborne water molecules loaded with irritants. These microscopic droplets eventually come into contact with the crystalline salt and evaporate, leaving behind the problematic particles they once contained and eliminating pollutants from the air. They can also correct circadian imbalances via their patented pink or orange glow, signaling the brain to reduce neurological activity and lay the groundwork for a good night's sleep.  The pink or orange glow generate supports relaxation. 

And I love its crystalline structure and orange coloration and lines that resemble a real Blood Moon!  And you can change the intensity of its lighting too by switching it to really bright or to a soft dimmed light! 

And speaking of the ‘real Blood Moon’ btw, what disappointment it was!  I mean, not being able to see it.  For, even went I went out of my comfy warm nest on several occasions to ventured out into the cold night wanting to see it, I could not find it.  For some inexplicable reason, it was the night of all nights when not a trace of moon was seen in the entire sky.  Not even its light.  As if the moon had disappeared when it was supposed to be the closest to Earth.

Guess I’ll try again tonight, but in the meantime, I cannot stop looking at this gem!  

Love it so much!


  1. It was very nice to have your pillows and your red moon in the winter decor.

    1. Thank you Denise! A pleasure to see you here!


  2. I have a salt lamp like that too. It does remind me of the moon tonight! I love my lamp.
    I know you will enjoy yours as well!
    Your room looks beautiful and inviting. Hope you were able to see the moon tonight too.

    1. Cindee, just as I said to Judy, must be something to do with our gypsy souls! Plants and salt lamps and moons and cats and all these soothing and lovely things are so intricately blend in the romantic-gypsy souls like us!


  3. What a beautiful space to get back to nature in your home with all those lovely plants! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!

  4. I love your jungle room! I try to have as many green plants around me as I can...just to help chase away the winter blahs and I think my salt lamp helps. I really like yours. Mine is a black wire basket filled with salt crystals and a "warming" light hidden in the center.

    1. Oh Judy that sounds soo pretty! Your lamp! I guess that plants and salt lamps and moons and all these things are so intricately blended in the romantic-gypsy souls like us!


  5. There was a total eclipse of the moon that night, and it happened here during the time the sky as briefly clear. So the full moon I saw was really behind the overcast clouds. I am not as happy about eclipses as others are.... except the total solar eclipse was a lifetime amazing event... with my son.
