Friday, July 17, 2020


Can you believe the month is almost over?  Truly, in just a few more days.  

Ah July—you came unexpectedly upon our days and now I see you already getting ready to depart; to never again come back to us.  You will be remembered down in history as another month of uncertainties and despair to many around the world.  You united us and divided us and here we are awaiting another you, another July and another ‘what would be next?’. 

I’m keeping my faith up and my thoughts together.  Hard times are ahead of us all, but our hearts are aglow in the hope we have believed.  We Christians are watching and gathering signs.  We watch, we see, and we wait.

And the garden?  Something pretty awful had happened to my roses; and I can’t tell if the damage was caused by nature itself or perhaps by me.  For upon seeing the mildew infestation on some of the bushes I proceeded to fumigate, and I might had put too much insecticide in the bottle and burned them all…

I tend to do that, thinking that more is better I would usually overact and the usual results are more damage than good.  In my defense, thought, I still have to doubt if I’m really the one to blamed for the damage.  For those yellow leaves on rose bushes don’t seem burned, and it looks more like an infestation of some kind, or some fungus decease than anything.  But who knows! 

I should cut them low—I should cut down every bush, but I don’t have the guts, and what a waste that would be.  Thus, I am leaving them untouched.  That’s what I’m doing.


I was looking at my self in the mirror this afternoon and for a moment my eyes were mom’s eyes and I was looking at myself and at her and she was looking at me and I was her, until tears filled both of our eyes, blurring the vision on the mirror.

The yarrow had flowered, and the Shasta daisy is taking over.  It is summer after all, and all the little faces in the garden are smiling and pondering if the sun adores them.


  1. Try a rose systemic for disease and for bugs. It works really well.
    I am ready for this year to be over. It is so stressful and I am so done with worrying etc. I want things to be better for everyone. School starts here in a month. I don't think anyone is ready for what is going to happen then. )-: Trying to stay positive, but it is hard.

    1. I totally understand dear CindEe... faith will keep us strong...

      Be blessed


  2. I understand your feelings in this post. My garden started out with the most beautiful roses,..then the rain,..then mildew. But I still have other beautiful flowers getting ready,..Asiatic lilies,..Black eye Susan,..Hydrangeas,.Sunflowers! I owe my gardening love to my Mother. My heart hurts for you! I know you lost your Mother not too long ago. My Mother is now deep in Dementia. I have looked into a mirror and have seen my Mothers eyes looking back at me also.I hope that when people look into my eyes they see the peaceful, loving and caring eyes I saw when I looked into my Mothers. I'm sure you emulate your Mothers qualities too! And YES!!Christians are very alert to the signs of the times we are deeply living in! 2 Tim.3:1-5 Matt. 24 But My very favorite scripture is found in Revelation 21:4,5. I hope you read it!!!

    1. We have so much in common and share some same feelings... sisters from afar. We'll meet one day for sure!



  3. I understand your sentiments. We are certainly living in stressful times. Beyond Covid, the civil unrest is sad and frightening. I don't know all that your religious beliefs entail, but mine make me wonder if we are in the end times. My dear friend's husband is a theologian and he believes we are already halfway through! She also told me today her husband was diagnosed with cancer this week and it has likely spread. They will only be able to extend his life through chemo and radiation, but the cancer is not curable. More sadness..... On a lighter note, sorry about your roses. I'm sure you will be able to revive them. You are a master gardener!

    1. I believe the same... we're definitely living in the end of times...

      Soon to meet Him!

