Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Good bye Summer

The end of August symbolizes many changes around here—it means shorter days longer night, night time arriving earlier, temperatures beginning to drop and the garden beginning to decrease its growth.  Animals begin to prepare for the dearth of food that generally comes during the winter, by gathering supplies or traveling to warmer climates.  All happens that soon and that fast.  

Although I love the changes transpiring in late August, this always brings a certain sense of apprehension to my days.  I know that summer is over.  I know that soon, spending time in the garden, or having our meals outside will be ending, and that brings nostalgic feelings and that sense of sadness that comes with every ending.  

Sandals and fleece long skirts are to be replaced by sweaters and boots, leggings and scarves and I just can’t think of anything else other than how much I’m going to miss this place in those long coming up months…  

The garden it is truly a paradise these days.  The cooler temperatures have brought in new roses and mourning doves are still nesting its brood.  It is a confusing short period where spring-time and fall like weather mingles and join hands together.   

It feels like saying goodbye to a friend, and it feels like a quiet slumber and it is also the perfect time to look back with gratitude at all the sweet, summery moments from the last few months.


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Summer reveries

Summer is winding down... although it is still pretty much considered summer by human standards, I know it is winding down already.  I can feel it in my bones and in the song the heart sings, by this time every August.

There is something of the marvelous, something of the 'unknown' lingering in the hot air, and I walk barefooted on soft, wet grasses and know it in my heart, that time is done.

Pretty soon I will have to start bringing things in... 

In fact, I have already started pulling out some of the houseplants I had transferred into the garden at the beginning of the spring, to get them acclimatized to the indoors again..

Soon, I'd have to pull out all the Elephant Ear bulbs and beautiful giant Cannas and put them to sleep for months to come...

I'd have to work extra hard to keep my Mandeville plant alive during the cold months

...and we won't have our Sundays breakfast or weekend dinners out here any longer...

I know I know, I'm getting ahead of time and ahead of me, but that's pretty much how things are around here every year round this time...

...time flights, hours, days, months melt away with the last heat of August

and again, I'd have to play inside and just be happy inside...

Which I'll be... I will be very happy here.  As long as I can be surrounded by a few (or a lot) green plants, I will be happy.  For now, I will continue enjoying the roses in the garden... because I have a lot of roses in the garden right now...

White roses, cream colored roses, pink roses, red roses...

I love to look at our downstairs bedroom from this view behind the Collette roses in the rotunda...

The Collette roses are done by now, but this is an amazing view in early spring when they are in full bloom...

Oh, today, I worked on a new project in the house... I converted an old mural into two side by side  canvas... and I'm so happy how they turned out!

OK, now that I am showing you the pics, I think I want them closer to each other...

what do you all think?

Have a blessed week friends!

Saturday, July 24, 2021


Hot days beautiful days no rain day desert days please don’t leave us beautiful days spending time outside inside plant days plant moments plant-heart girl.

and there's a face stamped on the rock...

Everything in nature has a face

there is something of marvelous in all things...

Nothing new under the sun all things made anew in tears in joy in eternal love 

Everyday is a jewel ripening up under the sun happy days dream days ocean days family days...

I'm sitting in my little jungle plant room listening to cello music hours pass hours dance and hours dream...

And why do we think waiting is the antithesis of life when it is almost all of it?

Hope you are all doing good, where ever you are.