Saturday, February 24, 2018


Thursday, Feb 22nd

It has been snowing since last evening… 

...a tin-tan-tin of a light snow, but the ground, with its gardens, woke up swathed in blankets of icy-whites.  I wrapped up myself in layers and layers of clothing, put on my old flowered-gardening boots and out I went to ‘feel’ my little world.  All senses awaken; caressing the scent lingering in ices, the harshness of frost, the mood, and aura of the atmosphere... 

It is beautiful… all beautiful.  Beautiful to watch the snow from the comfort of a warm home, as it gently falls down in white puffs of smooth clouds.  But still more beautiful, and more amazing to me is to be able to stay home and enjoy the little glories of my days… slowly, and as the soul pleases. 

While watching snow fall from my windows, I decided today was a good day to wash all bed linens, so our big, comfy bed got a new look for a few hours...

…until everything gets washed clean, and dried and fluffed up, and the room can go back to its usual look.   

Looks good, but it won't stay looking like this for long...

I hear someone outside blowing off snow and I smell the aroma of coffee downstairs, and far, far away behind the horizon the slashed peaks of the Owyhee’s have disappeared.  

All is ashen white...

...all is fine with my soul… 

I can hardly believe it… those old days of yesterday when the moment I woke up it was get out of bed, get dress, go out and shovel all that snow, get in the car, hit the slippery freeway and spend your entire day enclosed in an office tolerating some very awful boss and feeling miserable… perhaps one day I shall share my story with you, but not now… now the snowy garden is calling my name, the earth sings in particles of ices, and now the ground is firm, and cold and my boots walk the winter garden with assurance and a lightness to it that pleases my soul… I’d not talk about yesterday.  Today is precious.  Tomorrow is in God’s hands.


  1. Your precious little angel looks chilled and patiently awaiting Spring! I love to step out after a fresh snow fall, when the world is quiet and peaceful. Then it melts and gives your garden a good slow watering!
    Have a beautiful day! -Sandy

  2. I love a nice snow fall--it muffles all the extraneous outside noise and covers everything in cleanness.
