Thursday, February 1, 2018

Of plants and flower pots

Kasey, my new landscaping guy said he would be here on Monday to help me clean out the garden.  But he never showed up, and my feet walk this ground slowly; eyes drinking in the ruggedness of this land; arid and scorched by winters, and soulless too. 

And I’m thinking, how can I handle this task?  Rose stalks from the pruning are too many too thorny; grapevine canes too long—like a whip they swing the air, hitting you and hating you, while other branches poke your eyes and pull your hair.  Ah, but the job will be done.  It will. And this summer when my garden is bursting with life and color again, I can stand back and say, “I did this!”

I’ve been trying to keep busy; working hard on my little job translating an entire set of children books.  It’s good.  It’s very good.  And in the house, I try to keep myself busy as well, always creating and reinventing my little life.  

I am growing my own indoor plants… and this might just be the easiest and most foolproof way to grow indoor plants: in glass bottles filled with water!

Whatever is green, whatever is alive and comes from the hand of God, will always find a special place in my heart...

The other day I decided to decoupage some of my plant containers and give them a bit of flair…  Something to do during the dead days of winter, something to embellish my little world a bit more.  Some of my plants are still in their original plastic nursery pots in which they came in, and although I usually like to hid them inside pretty baskets, I decided to do something with them this time… so I took out my Mod Podge, and some fabric remnants… and I came up with this...  

 Now I have a plant container that matches with my decor...  for free!
They are not perfect.  But nothing is...

For this one here I used wrapping paper… 

always something in black and white of course!

First, cut your paper, or whatever material you are using, into small squares. I did this as I went along because you will need to fill in with odd shapes and sizes. Put some Mod Podge or glue mixture on each piece and then affix it to your flowerpot.  Continue cutting and gluing your paper on the pot until it is covered.  And there!  

 A thrift store shinny black plate serves as saucer...

By the window on the second floor in the little gypsy room the geranium plant has started to bloom. 

I’ve always loved the pungent scent of geraniums.  Leaves are green and full and I love the contrast between the green of leaves and red flower pot.  This geranium has come with me from the sunny gardens at the little white cottage… it holds a very special place in my heart.

The only thing I find a little heartbreaking here is the view… while at the little white cottage I had windows overlooking the garden, NOW instead of seeing the garden, I only see rooftops.  

...But maybe this is good too… yes, maybe is good?  Who knows, maybe one day, I can see Mary Poppins from this very window, and then… maybe… then I could go fly the world with her...

See you soon my friends!


  1. I'm sorry your gardener did not show up. I am sure you can do it yourself just take your time!
    Love the plant pots. I thought I was the only one that loved the smell of geraniums. It takes me back to when I was a kid in Blue Birds. (Camp Fire Girls) We made planters for our moms for Mothers day and we used geraniums as the flowering plant. I always think of that.
    To this day I still love the smell.
    I was able to dig up a very old geranium at my Mom's house before it was sold. I have been pampering it throughout the winter. It seems to be doing fine here.

    1. Thank you for sharing your little story with me Cindee... I love love stories, and that one was very special... indeed.

      Hugs to you


  2. I grow a lot of green leafy plants in water jars. Give them a little bit of fertilizer once every few months and they do just fine.

    1. Oh oh oh Judy I have to tell you! I found a huge bird's nest on one of the trees in our front yard yesterday and I immediately thought of you! Now I have my own bird nest too! ;) Thank you for sharing that bit of your life with me, so now I can have mine too! It is so big and deep, I just wonder what kind of bird made it! ;)

      Hugs and hugs...


  3. ... So lovely, your geranium Cielo... and yes, it is good ;)
    Happy for you :)

    1. Thank you Rita... love seeing you here!


  4. Your houseplants look like they're doing great! They bring so much life into the room and I think the dark green leaves contrast beautifully with the black and white color scheme. If your landscaping guy insists on playing hooky I'm pretty sure that you can probably manage those brambles in your yard yourself, if you just take it a little bit at a time. After all you have all winter to do it. I once chopped down a huge mango tree that was growing in the back yard when we bought this house. The leaves kept clogging up our rain gutters so my (then 14 year old son) and I cut it down branch by branch with a machete and then we chopped everything up into little pieces to fit into garden bags . It took us over a month but we did it. The key is to just do a little bit each day so it doesn't become overwhelming. Before you know it, it's done!

    1. Amiga... I love to hear a good story! Whatever story about life from people I love and admire! And yours are always the best! You took me to your backyard and I was there with you and your son cutting mango tree branches away! Ufff, it was hot! ;))

      Thank you corazon!

