Monday, April 13, 2020

Blessings in disguise...

I know we’re living in difficult times... times of trouble as we’d never seen before but, in a way, what a blessing those ‘stay-at-home’ orders have proven to be to our tired old souls.  A blessing to those who rather hide in their hiding secret places, and just be... until the storm passes by.

And thus, not having to go to work these past weeks have been an incredible blessing—a blessing in disguise, we may well say, nonetheless, a blessing indeed in many ways. 

Ah, the amount of work I have been doing—inside and outside.  Work it could had never been accomplished or done otherwise. 

It has been cold and very windy for the past few days, or perhaps for this entire past week?  And even today, this most annoying April weather had been misbehaving so bad, I can only wish I could get my wooden spoon out and spank it with gusto.  Isn’t that what parents and teachers of old used to do with kids that would not cooperate?  Well, you know. 

Even so, I can now say with satisfaction:  My work has been done.  It is done.  The garden is back to its beautiful methodical form, and although only the faithful tulips and my inside geraniums seem to be the sole form of color around here thus far, it is already looking spectacular...

Hosta heads are popping out from sleepy pots...

...and the wild rose covered wall I made last year is already filling in and looking magnificent!

Green grasses, new young shoots on every bush and every hedge plant, and some of the trees have already starting to put forth their flowers... 

It is a paradise of the most agreeable kind around here, and my little heart feels satisfied and full of expectancy. For better days and a better world, for healing and peace and a more compassionate humanity...

But nothing gets to look good or turn into a thing of beauty without a definitely amount of pain, don’t you think so? Particularly a garden! Yes, and I lot of work I should say.  And thus, it has been a few days and weeks of super hard work around here, and I had manually pulled out more wild violets from the garden floors than I can recount. I have been going to bed with an aching body most every night, and almost unable to move, but everything is looking neat, and tidy, and I’m loving it.

"Come to me", says the garden, and its voice is the voice of God.

My little pond is looking marvelous!

...and everything I planted last autumn in mom's little garden is flourishing!

I haven't been able to fill the flowerpots yet, because we're only allow to go shop for food and such necessities... but I can hardly wait to fill these with all sorts of beauty!  Soon, my heart hopes!

I have put aside a few things from the garden which I’m donating. Old chairs, pillows, and an arraignment of weathered garden adornments that I no longer care for it.  Sometimes, you just have to close your eyes and let go... let go of things that may have been important to you in the past, things that you may have loved dearly at one point in your life, or things for which most probably you spent days or week saving for... things you just couldn’t even imagine living without. But things change, life changes, we change, and letting go is a catharsis one must allow in many aspects of life, in order to grow.  

Tomorrow, I’m scheduled to work from 8:30 to 5:30—my entire day in a cubicle, alongside two other coworkers in an otherwise empty building.  What a waste!  But life goes on, and this is what I had chosen for my life. 

It will be the same next week, or the next.  That’s what they’re doing with the employees these days—dividing our schedule among two or three to enforce social distance and thus prevent employees from getting sick.  So... until next!  Be good, be kind and take care of yourselves...


  1. I'm glad you had this time to get all your garden ready for spring! It is a great feeling for sure! I love your angel bird bath. Its that new?
    Have a good day at work and stay safe!

    1. Hi Cindee... it is the same old angel birdbath. I just changed it to another spot... and placed it on top of a larger birdbath (old too)... lol I just love mixing things up...



  2. Adoro le tue immagini, il tuo giardino mi dona pace. Anche io sto curando i miei fiori, piante, rose, iris. Un grande abbraccio 💕

  3. Realmente, esta quarentena é uma benção para nós que gostamos de estar em nossas casas. Há tanto o que fazer, não é mesmo? Um bom trabalho para você, beijos!

  4. Everything is looking great! My husband is our gardener, so I've been "fluffing" the inside of or home. Having lots of fun rearranging decor. Hope you had a pleasant day in your office.

    1. Wow, how lucky you are to have your husband be the gardener.... in my case is the other way around...

      Take care..

